Daniela Chionna
The Press
Talk– About Me
Talk about me : Arte Mondadori; Exibart; Artribune; Rai 3 Centro di Produzione Torino; Rai 3 Regione Lombardia; Rai 3 Regione Puglia; Rete 4; Canale 5; La Nazione; Il Corriere della Sera; Vivere Milano; Luce online; Praxis, Casa & Giardino; DDN GUIDE; Gap Casa; DDN Milano Selection 2003 Milano; Design-buildlab.com; Arredamento.it; Fashion Wire Daily; DEMO magazine; Quotidiano di Bari; Barisera; La Repubblica; Corriere del Mezzogiorno; Qui Salento; Senza Colonne; Siti e Stampa online; Riviste estere; TRCB Tele Radio Città Bianca Ostuni (BR); Tele Norba Conversano (BA); Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno di Brindisi, Bari e Taranto; Quotidiano di Brindisi e Taranto; Corriere dell’Umbria.

Design as an expressive language, experimentation in sculpture and painting, with suggestions ranging from Light Art to abstractionism, and experience as an interior designer. These are the main features of the creative universe of Daniela Chionna, an artist designer from Apulia who has exhibited, among solo and group exhibitions, at various festivals and art events at national level, including “SaloneSatellite”, as part of the “Salone del Mobile” in Milan in 2002, the 5th Biennial of the Artist’s Book in 2019, “Light Art-Design-Contemporary Art” in 2022, at the Nuovo Scavolini Store in Rome, to name but a few. For the “Focus on artist” column, Lobodilattice interviewed Daniela Chionna, delving into the fundamental aspects of her poetics
A "Bright" meeting

“The Works of Daniela Chionna artist and designer
It is always a special feeling to be welcomed into a house-atelier of Art, it is a bit like wandering around in a place made up of everyday life, dreams, ideas, where the feeling of being far away from the clock leaves the imagination at large and the field free for reflection.”
Light Art e Design of the light

Students of Light Art and Light Design at the Politecnico di Milano carried out research work on a number of artists dealing with the theme of Light at an international level.N. ALFIERI, A. BIASI, C. BERNARDINI, N. BOCCINI, M. BRIANZA, L. CARABBA, M. CHEVALIER, D. CHIONNA, F. CORNELI, G. DE MITRI, O. ELIASSON, N. EVANGELISTI, L. FORT, S. FUJIMOTO, A. JAAR, A. LUPI, F. MARANGONI, B. MUNRO, L. POZZI, T. REHBERGER, S. ROMANO, E. SPALLETTI e J. TURRELL

Даниела Кьонна
Знаменитые итальянское качество и стиль давно завоевали сердца ценителей красоты и комфорта. Послевоенная Италия, мучимая эстетическим голодом, сосредоточилась на активном развитии промышленности, и вскоре мир услышал певучие итальянские имена создателей прекрасного.